Wednesday, January 17, 2018

from ancient times: #metoo

I was looking at this poem I wrote a while back, and it seemed relevant to our current state of affairs. My deepest apologies, though, for all the poetry. I like writing it, but not as much reading it, and if that isn't hypocritical, I don't know what is.

Sarah, to Pharoah

I used to pray
every day
(though I did not know it was a prayer)
that I would be beautiful.

Very beautiful.

I did not know

that beauty
makes others wish they owned it
enough to suppose they did

O Pharoah
Did you really think
you had but to wish me
and I was yours?

That you had but to take me from my brother
--as you supposed
--and I would be yours?

(But of course you did.
Any man who would
declare himself a god
is delusional enough
to suppose anything.)

1 comment:

N said...

I'm just catching up on your blog - this took me by surprise. It's stunning.