Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas and babies

You know how the angels sang for Jesus' birth, and how it was such an honor and privilege, and probably they were standing in line and/or employing some kind of extra-dimensional jiggery to fit everyone in who wanted to sing in the choir? How cool it would have been to be one of those angels?

That's how I feel about all babies. Seriously.

Hence the name of the blog...

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

State of the Cornelia

I'm working at the same middle school I have for the last four years, but in the library this year.

Yes, I do love it. No, it isn't... quite... a perfect job, but it is very fun, many days, and at the moment, it is by all means perfect enough.

I applied to librarian school (to be a school librarian).  It's an all-online program, which I can do the work for IN the library itself. Perfect! Now I'm just waiting to see if I got in...

This year in the middle school, we got fifty, yes, that's five zero student library volunteers. And if we'd had five, ten, maybe even fifteen or twenty student volunteers, I might have tried to train them to shelve in person, one by one. But for fifty... well... I came up with a shelving-certification program, with four separate levels, videos, games (NOT designed or programmed by me), and of course TESTS.

More of this anon. For now: I'm doing pretty well, overall. I wish I were further ahead in my life, but I'm used to wishing that, and excepting for that, life is pretty good. :)