Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Picture of Papa

I was thinking about this photograph the other day. I took it when I was out in UT this last summer. What with Dad's repeated mini-strokes (on top of the massive brain hemorrhage several years ago) and his continuing serious health problems, this picture sort of seems to symbolize how I feel about our relationship: he isn't quite gone, but he's about to be. But it's a beautiful picture.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Couple of Sketches From October

I'm still entranced by trees. Big surprise, I suppose.

This was in a field near my house, in the morning. I had the place to myself, and the sun was coming up, and the tree was backlit... and it was pretty much magical.

In person, I think I like the ink drawing better, but uploaded, the pencil is looking better. Interesting.