E (age 6; has just walked in from outside): I just made an octopus with two legs!
In his hand he is holding a dandelion with the stem split in to two relatively even pieces, still attached to the head.
H (age 10, given to smart remarks): That's a du-pus (pronounced "dew-puss")
M (age 8, also quite clever): Or a bi-pus.
Earlier, my sister had told me about how they took the children up to the School District place where they test the kids to see if they are extra-smart. (Hers are, which none of us are terribly surprised about.) As they were leaving the building, H stopped and said, in his monotone robot-voice: "Kinetic energy overload imminent," and then ran to the doors and burst through them. But not literally.
Nine-year-old niece, who is using a puppet-clad hand to open the office door (she is talking for the puppet): "I sure hope that this tastes good."
And finally, for Family Home Evening last night, my sister got out Behold Your Little Ones, the new church manual for one-and-a-half-to-four-year-old children, and asked my youngest nephew to talk about a picture he liked. That was the lesson. He liked this so much that he said, "Now another lesson!" and flipped to another picture, and did it all over again.
Another story - I keep forgetting to tell you on the phone: The night before A's birthday, we were in the car doing last minute shopping, and I hear him say, "Wake me up when it's my birthday. At ten o'clock." I pointed out that church started at nine, so he should probably be up before ten, and he said, "OK. Wake me up at six o'clock." And then promptly went to sleep - staying that way 'till we got home, and he was in bed - indeed, until his birthday!
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